What makes us so different from the others?
Modern dating typically focuses on speed but not efficiency. Swiping left and right, taking a single, mass-produced assessment to ‘match’ you with someone a computer thinks is best, or jumping straight into chaotic dating and hoping for the best.
Path2Love’s Coaching Program is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive solution that combines 18+hours of 1:1 relationship coaching sessions with evidence-based assessments, intensive personal development and dating skill development so that when you find your love, it’s a love for life.
Efficiency and comprehensiveness are what make this program uniquely successful. It doesn’t start right at dating. It dives deep into a personalized journey of self-discovery to ensure that you are searching for the right partners for you and identify, acknowledge, and dismantle any blocks preventing you from finding each other.
Once you are a successful single – meaning that you are living with self-confidence, self-awareness, and the skills crucially needed to navigate modern dating, you’re ready to begin your dating journey. Now that you’ve identified your niche and learned to relay who you are confidently, you will have the skills needed to efficiently sift through the proverbial haystack and have the best chance at long-term success, happiness, and fulfilment.
What’s more – we don’t just leave you there. Path2Love has a community of like-minded daters to help you in your search. You will never feel alone in your journey to find your life-mate.